Dallas Scott


I am a current student at Columbia University in the City of New York studying computer science, with a particular interest in computer graphics, artificial intelligence, and the fusion of art and computation. My interests outside of the field include literature, philosophy, music, art, history, and psychology.

This web site contains a sampling of my works, including writings on a variety of different topics, projects I have been working on, coursework in the form of physics-based particle animation and ray-traced image rendering. My time at Columbia has also included courses on Artificial Intelligence, Probablity Theory, and Natural Language Processing, with a focus on large language models and some of the algorithms which gave rise to ChatGPT.

Prior to my time at Columbia, I studied Psychology at UC San Diego in La Jolla, California, where I learned about a wide range of specialized topics in the field of psychology, including basic neuroanatomy and the neural basis of addiction; the psychology of reading, saccadic eye movements, scanning, what occurs when the brain is engaged in reading text; experiments in social psychology including Milgram's infamous studies on obedience; the psychology of sleep, sleep cycles and stages, the role of adenosine in sleep; abnormal psychology with a focus on mental disorders; an in-depth look at behaviorism and classical conditioning; and the psychology of human development from infancy including the various teratogens which give rise to conditions like autism and other developmental disorders.

I am proficient in Python, Java, C, C++, JavaSript/JQuery, and also have experience with WebGL in the form of Three.JS. In terms of real languages, in addition to my native English, I am at a semi-intermediate level in Italian and have studied both Japanese and Latin, though I cannot claim complete fluency in any of these.

June 15, 2024:

Redesign of the home page. New Brain Build UI design project as well as literary analysis.

June 14, 2024:
Curators of Columbia University
in the City of New York

To all and singular to whom these letters
may come, we send greetings.

Dallas Marvin Scott

Having completed studies and exercises leading to the degree of

Bachelor of Arts

Having duly completed the requirements for this degree
and having fulfilled all the rights, privileges, and honors
pertaining to this status, we have granted and conferred this
diploma in testimony thereof under our common seal.
Given at New York on the fifteenth day of
May in the year two thousand twenty-four

Lisa Rosen-Metsch
[She Who Shall Not Be Named]
AI at the MoMA
Digitized Masters
Brain Build
Anatomical Learnings
Literary Fathers
Art, Film, and Italian
Practicum in Dialogue and Speech

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